Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 14 Still in Alice

Today we packed some lunch and headed off to Chambers Pillar, 155 kl of dirt road with the last 45 kl 4x4 only. Some of the sections were quite bad and very sandy following the recent flooding here a few months back. Both cars handled the drive well until my new UHF aerial unscrewed it's self during the bad corrugations.We saw lots of Hawks and we think a couple of Eagles.

The pillar itself i must admit was not at it's best and i think we were expecting more,
never mind it was impressive and Mathew and Lisa climbed it.

There were 4 lots of gates that had to be opened and closed, Lisa got the job of that

Then on to Rainbow Valley

With a couple of nice sunset pics to end the day

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt and Lisa,
    Just found out about your trip, you look like you are have lots of fun-glad I found out late then never ! Enjoy yourselves! lots of love the Halfpenny's
